School Counseling
Westwood has a wonderful counseling program that includes a STARS counselor and three school counselors. Westwood’s counseling program includes classroom guidance lessons, individual counseling, and family conferences. Classroom guidance lessons are centered around state standards. Common topics are preventing bullying, Kelso's Choices (conflict resolution), coping skills, and making friends. The goal is to always be available to help students with problems that may interfere with learning.
Individual counseling is available for any child in need of a one-on-one session with the counselor to talk about good days, bad days, how to solve ones problems peacefully, or to share celebrations and progress. A student may see one of the school counselors upon teacher request, parent request, or through self-referral. A teacher or student can fill out a referral form and leave it in the counselors box in the office. Parents can call the office at 615-472-4890 or email one of the counselors below.
Ms. Hannah Abbott
Kindergarten and Third Grade
Ms. Molly McCoy
First and Fourth Grade
Ms. Julie Warden
Second and Fifth Grade
Stop and Think
A Fairview Elementary school counselor is encouraging her students to stop and think, and the district is encouraging others to embrace the concept as well.